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Choreography and Blocking in Performance 

Choreography and movement is an essential part of performance regardless of whether it is a movement- or a text-based piece. Nowadays, lots of theatre directors neglect professional approach to directing a movement in their performances.


This course introduces the essential components of successful performance-making: choreography, composition, and blocking. It gives directors and performers a chance to touch new ways of creating movement in their artistic works. By providing the tools and skills necessary to build strong mise-en-scene, blocking, composition, and movement directing, this course equips directors for production with performers.

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Flexible Timing

Study in Practice

Professional Approach

For most directors, the choreography, composition and blocking to accompany their work is not an after-thought; rather it is an essential, meaningful ingredient in the duration of the whole performance-making process. Directors often collaborate with choreographers and movement directors to plan, create, and realize dance or movement design concept. This course prepares directors for this communication.

The aim of this course is to prepare director for the performance production with performers, by equipping students with the tools and skills necessary to build strong mise-en-scene, blocking, composition and movement directing. The central topic is an exploration of ways to create choreography and movement in the performance. 

  •  Blocking and Mise-en-Scene 

  •  Tempo and Rhythm 

  •  Montage

  •  Movement for Actors

  •  Acting for Dancers 

  •  Improvisation and Spontaneity 

  •  Composition 

We are welcoming directors, dancers, choreographers, physical theatre actors, contemporary circus and musical theatre performers, performance artists from all over the world who wish to improve or diversify their skills and knowledge, as well as practitioners from an allied practice who need a deeper understanding of movement in contemporary performance.

Upon successfully completing all assigned tasks and meeting the course requirements, students will be awarded a certificate of completion. This certificate can serve as evidence of their dedication and expertise in the subject matter, and can be a valuable addition to their professional portfolio or resume.

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  • Professional growth

  • Up-to-date knowledge

  • First hand experience

  • Individual approach

  • Emphasis on practical learning

  • Unique method


  • Physical Theatre

  • Dance Theatre

  • Drama Theatre

  • Musical Theatre

  • Mime Theatre

  • Puppetry Theatre

  • Circus on Stage

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We are proud of our students from all around the world!

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What Students Say

"I am committed to the development of my directing craft within an international context and becoming pat of the NIPAI theatre family has made my vision clearer of creating new work by giving way to more questions about identity, action and story. I hope to continue my journey with NIPAI and to continue to deepen the excellence of my directing."
Nazli Tabatabai, UK
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