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Physical Theatre & Directing Workshop in Germany & Austria

"Dramaturgy of Physical Action" (click on orange text)

December 17-22, 2022 Laubegg Castle, Austria

"Physicality in Acting" (click on orange text)

January 9-14, 2023

Berlin, Germany

<meta name="keywords" content="physikalische Theaterworkshops in Berlin, workshopy fyzického divadla v Berlíně, физические театральные мастерские в Берлине, punëtori teatri fizik në Berlin, ورش عمل المسرح المادي في برلين, майстэрні фізічнага тэатра ў Берліне, физически театрални работилници в Берлин, 柏林剧院研讨会, Berlijnse theaterworkshops, Berlina Teatro-Laborejoj, Berliini teatri töötoad, Berliinin teatterin työpajat, Ateliers du théâtre de Berlin, Berliner Theaterwerkstätten, סדנאות תיאטרון ברלין, बर्लिन थिएटर वर्कशॉप, Berlini Színházi műhelyek, Námskeið í Berlínarleikhúsinu, Ceardlanna Amharclainne Beirlín, Laboratori teatrali di Berlino, ベルリン劇場ワークショップ, 베를린 극장 워크샵, Berlīnes teātra darbnīcas, Berlyno teatro dirbtuvės, Берлински театарски работилници, Berlin Theatre Workshops, Warsztaty teatru berlińskiego, Oficinas de teatro de Berlim, Ateliere de teatru din Berlin, Bùthan-obrach theatar ann am Berlin, Берлинске позоришне радионице, Berlínske divadelné dielne, Berlinske gledališke delavnice, Talleres de teatro de Berlín, Berlins teaterverkstäder, Berlin tiyatro atölyeleri, театральні майстерні в Берліні, Акторські майстерні в Берліні, Berlin'de oyunculuk atölyeleri, Skådespelareverkstäder i Berlin, Igralske delavnice v Berlinu, Úradujúce semináre v Berlíne, Актерские мастерские в Берлине, Ateliere de actorie la Berlin, Atuando em Berlim, Warsztaty aktorskie w Berlinie,  Workshops li joperaw f'Berlin, Handele Workshops zu Berlin, Vaidina seminarus Berlyne, Darbojas semināri Berlīnē, Li Berlînê karkerên aktrîn, 베를린에서 연기 워크샵, ベルリンの演技ワークショップ, Seminari di recitazione a Berlino, Ceardlanna gníomhacha i mBeirlín, Leiklistarverkstæði í Berlín, Műhelymunkások Berlinben, סדנאות משחק בברלין, סדנאות משחק בברלין, Δραστηριότητες εργαστηρίων στο Βερολίνο, Schauspielworkshops in Berlin, მოქმედი სემინარები ბერლინში, Ateliers de théâtre à Berlin, Näyttelytyöpajat Berliinissä, Näitlejate töötoad Berliinis, Acteerworkshops in Berlijn, Konstituerende workshops i Berlin, Herectví v Berlíně, Glumačke radionice u Berlinu, 柏林表演工作室, Актьорски ателиета в Берлин, ورشة عمل بالوكالة في برلين"/>

Performers from different backgrounds interested in expanding their practical skills, develop international network opportunities and collaborators are also welcome to apply!

Who is the workshops for?

  • Theatre actors and directors;

  • Circus actors and directors;

  • Physical theatre actors and directors;

  • Dancers and choreographers.

What is the advantage of the program?

  • Using the world's effective biomechanics practices and the latest experiments in the performing arts, such as animal flow and others;

  • Deep dive into the process under attentive mentorship of world-class professionals;

  • In a short time you will be introduced into the world of physicality and movement; we will teach your body to speak and express feelings and emotions without words;

  • Practice makes perfect

  • We will not just speak in theory - you will use everything you have learned and improve your professional skills.

The training is intentionally designed as an intensive lab with the participation of practitioners from different fields of art and from various countries. Multidisciplinarity and multiculturalism are two of the most important principles of our programs. Working alongside colleagues from different countries and cultures is an excellent opportunity to find innovative, new, multidimensional approaches to rehearsals and performances.

Participants will be able to get training based on the Ostrenko Brothers Method.

About Ostrenko Brothers Method

Ostrenko's method is a systematic approach to performance, which generates innovative productions utilizing concepts, ideas, and existing play-texts. It introduces some of the effective techniques and approaches towards contemporary performance practice in the context of the short rehearsal time and multicultural aspect of the creative team.

It can be also described as a valid combination of practice and theory. It’s a very practical approach to the performance making process from the performers' perspective, as well as from the directors'. The Ostrenkos' approach generates innovative productions, utilizing concepts, ideas, and discoveries of K.Stanislavski, Vs.Meyerhold and M.Chekhov.

Ostrenko's method of work relies on the performer’s physicality and physical action. The key to unfolding the actor’s creative nature underlies in the body. Through the body and physical actions, actors discover form, emotional colours, and feelings. The actor’s relationship with artistic space, his freedom in improvisation and spontaneity play an important role in the creative process. As a result, intangible becomes tangible. Atmosphere and style are born inseparably from this creative process.

Ostrenko Brothers method offers the tools and support necessary for students to reach their full potential in performing and directing.

<meta name="keywords" content="physikalische Theaterworkshops in Berlin, workshopy fyzického divadla v Berlíně, физические театральные мастерские в Берлине, punëtori teatri fizik në Berlin, ورش عمل المسرح المادي في برلين, майстэрні фізічнага тэатра ў Берліне, физически театрални работилници в Берлин, 柏林剧院研讨会, Berlijnse theaterworkshops, Berlina Teatro-Laborejoj, Berliini teatri töötoad, Berliinin teatterin työpajat, Ateliers du théâtre de Berlin, Berliner Theaterwerkstätten, סדנאות תיאטרון ברלין, बर्लिन थिएटर वर्कशॉप, Berlini Színházi műhelyek, Námskeið í Berlínarleikhúsinu, Ceardlanna Amharclainne Beirlín, Laboratori teatrali di Berlino, ベルリン劇場ワークショップ, 베를린 극장 워크샵, Berlīnes teātra darbnīcas, Berlyno teatro dirbtuvės, Берлински театарски работилници, Berlin Theatre Workshops, Warsztaty teatru berlińskiego, Oficinas de teatro de Berlim, Ateliere de teatru din Berlin, Bùthan-obrach theatar ann am Berlin, Берлинске позоришне радионице, Berlínske divadelné dielne, Berlinske gledališke delavnice, Talleres de teatro de Berlín, Berlins teaterverkstäder, Berlin tiyatro atölyeleri, театральні майстерні в Берліні, Акторські майстерні в Берліні, Berlin'de oyunculuk atölyeleri, Skådespelareverkstäder i Berlin, Igralske delavnice v Berlinu, Úradujúce semináre v Berlíne, Актерские мастерские в Берлине, Ateliere de actorie la Berlin, Atuando em Berlim, Warsztaty aktorskie w Berlinie,  Workshops li joperaw f'Berlin, Handele Workshops zu Berlin, Vaidina seminarus Berlyne, Darbojas semināri Berlīnē, Li Berlînê karkerên aktrîn, 베를린에서 연기 워크샵, ベルリンの演技ワークショップ, Seminari di recitazione a Berlino, Ceardlanna gníomhacha i mBeirlín, Leiklistarverkstæði í Berlín, Műhelymunkások Berlinben, סדנאות משחק בברלין, סדנאות משחק בברלין, Δραστηριότητες εργαστηρίων στο Βερολίνο, Schauspielworkshops in Berlin, მოქმედი სემინარები ბერლინში, Ateliers de théâtre à Berlin, Näyttelytyöpajat Berliinissä, Näitlejate töötoad Berliinis, Acteerworkshops in Berlijn, Konstituerende workshops i Berlin, Herectví v Berlíně, Glumačke radionice u Berlinu, 柏林表演工作室, Актьорски ателиета в Берлин, Sergei Ostrenko, ورشة عمل بالوكالة في برلين"/>
Sergei Ostrenko

About Sergei Ostrenko

International theatre projects under the guidance of Sergei Ostrenko took place in different countries: Austria, Belarus, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

His creative work is the synthesis of the Russian Theatre School and the newest experiments in performing arts. Ostrenko has vast directing experience in different genres. He has dedicated many years to the exploration of world theatre traditions working with performers from different countries and cultures. His approach in the international scene is known as the effective method of growing cohesion and the creation of live performances within limited rehearsal time. Students of Ostrenko, theatre workers from Russia, Europe, America, Asia and Australia, have been using his creative method in their own performance and teaching practice. Since the end of the 1990s, Sergei has been travelling and researching traditional and contemporary performing arts techniques - Contact Improvisation, Kinetic Environment, Structural Improvisation, techniques of Alexander, Laban, Butoh, Suzuki, Pilates, Viewpoints, Eugenio Barba's approach, Chinese Opera and Mak Yong. And, of course, the fundamental education Sergei Ostrenko has in the methods of K.Stanislavsky, Vs. Meyerhold and M. Chekhov.

<meta name="keywords" content="physikalische Theaterworkshops in Berlin, workshopy fyzického divadla v Berlíně, физические театральные мастерские в Берлине, punëtori teatri fizik në Berlin, ورش عمل المسرح المادي في برلين, майстэрні фізічнага тэатра ў Берліне, физически театрални работилници в Берлин, 柏林剧院研讨会, Berlijnse theaterworkshops, Berlina Teatro-Laborejoj, Berliini teatri töötoad, Berliinin teatterin työpajat, Ateliers du théâtre de Berlin, Berliner Theaterwerkstätten, סדנאות תיאטרון ברלין, बर्लिन थिएटर वर्कशॉप, Berlini Színházi műhelyek, Námskeið í Berlínarleikhúsinu, Ceardlanna Amharclainne Beirlín, Laboratori teatrali di Berlino, ベルリン劇場ワークショップ, 베를린 극장 워크샵, Berlīnes teātra darbnīcas, Berlyno teatro dirbtuvės, Берлински театарски работилници, Berlin Theatre Workshops, Warsztaty teatru berlińskiego, Oficinas de teatro de Berlim, Ateliere de teatru din Berlin, Bùthan-obrach theatar ann am Berlin, Берлинске позоришне радионице, Berlínske divadelné dielne, Berlinske gledališke delavnice, Talleres de teatro de Berlín, Berlins teaterverkstäder, Berlin tiyatro atölyeleri, театральні майстерні в Берліні, Акторські майстерні в Берліні, Berlin'de oyunculuk atölyeleri, Skådespelareverkstäder i Berlin, Igralske delavnice v Berlinu, Úradujúce semináre v Berlíne, Актерские мастерские в Берлине, Ateliere de actorie la Berlin, Atuando em Berlim, Warsztaty aktorskie w Berlinie,  Workshops li joperaw f'Berlin, Handele Workshops zu Berlin, Vaidina seminarus Berlyne, Darbojas semināri Berlīnē, Li Berlînê karkerên aktrîn, 베를린에서 연기 워크샵, ベルリンの演技ワークショップ, Seminari di recitazione a Berlino, Ceardlanna gníomhacha i mBeirlín, Leiklistarverkstæði í Berlín, Műhelymunkások Berlinben, סדנאות משחק בברלין, סדנאות משחק בברלין, Δραστηριότητες εργαστηρίων στο Βερολίνο, Schauspielworkshops in Berlin, მოქმედი სემინარები ბერლინში, Ateliers de théâtre à Berlin, Näyttelytyöpajat Berliinissä, Näitlejate töötoad Berliinis, Acteerworkshops in Berlijn, Konstituerende workshops i Berlin, Herectví v Berlíně, Glumačke radionice u Berlinu, 柏林表演工作室, Актьорски ателиета в Берлин, Gennadiy Ostrenko, ورشة عمل بالوكالة في برلين"/>
Gennadiy Ostrenko

About Gennadiy Ostrenko

Gennadiy Ostrenko - movement director, teacher and stage designer. He received his first education in Fine Arts. After graduation he started to work at theatre, starting his career from a stage designer to a movement director. He has carried out many lines of creative projects in the field of performing arts in Ukraine and Russia. In the framework of IUGTE, he took part in different international multidisciplinary projects in Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Latvia and Malta. Gennadiy is a movement director in many international performance productions in Russia and Ukraine. In the series of International Shakespeare Performance Projects in Russia and Ukraine, he worked on movement and choreography for such performances as “Passions of Romeo”, "Rehearsing Richard", "Lullaby for Hamlet" and "Love and Death in Verona". Gennadiy Ostrenko's passion for the movement has resulted in a newly designed program for performers - "Theatre Biomechanics". This program is mainly based on Vsevolod Meyerhold investigations of techniques for performers training. Gennadiy based his program on elements of classical Meyerhold's biomechanics, which go in conjunction with contemporary methods of performers' preparation. Another important part of Gennadiy's teaching approach is improvisation. Improvisation is an important part of training for actors, as it is related not only to bodywork but also to work with imagination and images. The researches in improvisation brought him to a deeper study of M. Chekhov's technique, as well as to the study of the animal movement.


"Dramaturgy of Physical Action" (click on orange text)

December 17-22, 2022 Laubegg Castle, Austria

Register Now: 390 EUR Register until 30 September in order to save 100 EUR as an early bird reduced rate

After: 490 EUR

"Physicality in Acting" (click on orange text)

January 9-14, 2023

Berlin, Germany

Register Now: 540 EUR Register until 30 September in order to save 100 EUR as an early bird reduced rate

After: 640 EUR

Note to our students, those who have missed the sessions and classes due to Corona-Virus and wish to join this session have to inform us by email.

For more information on how we're dealing with Covid-19 please go to our faq page>


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