Travel to NIPAI InClasses: Current Travel Information Austria, Hungary and Germany
From 19 May, the hospitality industry in Austria will be allowed to re-open. We are working on keeping the Corona infection numbers low and we look forward to welcoming you again at the International Physical Theatre Lab and Conference in Austria this July!
Check more details in official resources: https://www.austria.info/en/service-and-facts/coronavirus-information
Persons who hold a Hungarian immunity certificate or an immunity certificate issued by Serbia, Montenegro, Bahrein, Croatia, Turkey, North Macedonia or Slovenia are exempted from the restrictions on entry.
The following categories can enter Hungary without being subject to restrictions:
persons holding diplomatic or a diplomatic service passport or a service passport for seamen,
persons reporting to entry holding a private passport or another travel document for the purpose of official visit (the purpose of the official visit shall be proved with documents),
those providing satisfactory proof while entering Hungary that they have undergone COVID-19 infection within 6 months prior to reporting to entry;
those providing their protection against the COVID-19 while entering Hungary with a valid immunity certificate (issued according to the 60/2021 Government Decree) with the travel document indicated on the immunity certificate, and a person under his/her supervision who enters Hungary with him/her and has not reached the age of eighteen;
those providing their protection against the COVID-19 while entering Hungary with valid immunity certificate issued by a State specified by decree of the Minister responsible for foreign policy.
The request of entry has to be submitted electronically on the known platform, on the website of the Hungarian Police (www.police.hu). Beyond stating the reason for entry, all requests have to be accompanied with official documents. Groups travelling together may submit one case together. The aforementioned quarantine rules and requirements apply here as well.
Check More at http://www.police.hu/en/content/information-on-general-rules-of-border-crossing