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Fortgeschrittene Regietrainingsprogramme kaufen, Tickets für Regie-Workshop buchen


Are you ready to immerse yourself in the exciting world of theatre and discover your hidden directing skills? It's time! 👉🏻3 months of blended learning with a focus on practice

Start: 1 December 2023
or 15 January 2024 (optional)

| 3 months of practice | 1 offline session in a multicultural and international group of performers

These courses are for you if you...


Want to express yourself through theatre but feel hindered by a lack of support, resources, and more specific skills.


Want to free yourself from following the crowd and live a life where your passions take center stage.


Want to make your name in the spotlight, and have your talent celebrated all over the world.

Imagine your artistic potential skyrocketing, unburdened by old obstacles.

Feel the urge for change, the chance to take a step forward towards your career.

Imagine that you have the skills to stand out on the international stage.

There is good news:

your goals are about to materialize in the most theatrical way!
Introducing our three-month theatrical adventure:

physikalische Theaterworkshops in Berlin, workshopy fyzického divadla v Berlíně, физические театральные мастерские в Берлине, punëtori teatri fizik në Berlin, ورش عمل المسرح المادي في برلين, майстэрні фізічнага тэатра ў Берліне, физически театрални работилници в Берлин, 柏林剧院研讨会, Berlijnse theaterworkshops, Berlina Teatro-Laborejoj, Berliini teatri töötoad, Berliinin teatterin työpajat, Ateliers du théâtre de Berlin, Berliner Theaterwerkstätten, סדנאות תיאטרון ברלין, बर्लिन थिएटर वर्कशॉप, Berlini Színházi műhelyek, Námskeið í Berlínarleikhúsinu, Ceardlanna Amharclainne Beirlín, Laboratori teatrali di Berlino, ベルリン劇場ワークショップ, 베를린 극장 워크샵, Berlīnes teātra darbnīcas, Berlyno teatro dirbtuvės, Берлински театарски работилници, Berlin Theatre Workshops, Warsztaty teatru berlińskiego, Oficinas de teatro de Berlim, Ateliere de teatru din Berlin, Bùthan-obrach theatar ann am Berlin, Берлинске позоришне радионице, Berlínske divadelné dielne, Berlinske gledališke delavnice, Talleres de teatro de Ber

The Director and Play

This program offers a rare opportunity for directors to deeply analyze plays and gain essential tools.

More about the program>

physikalische Theaterworkshops in Berlin, workshopy fyzického divadla v Berlíně, физические театральные мастерские в Берлине, punëtori teatri fizik në Berlin, ورش عمل المسرح المادي في برلين, майстэрні фізічнага тэатра ў Берліне, физически театрални работилници в Берлин, 柏林剧院研讨会, Berlijnse theaterworkshops, Berlina Teatro-Laborejoj, Berliini teatri töötoad, Berliinin teatterin työpajat, Ateliers du théâtre de Berlin, Berliner Theaterwerkstätten, סדנאות תיאטרון ברלין, बर्लिन थिएटर वर्कशॉप, Berlini Színházi műhelyek, Námskeið í Berlínarleikhúsinu, Ceardlanna Amharclainne Beirlín, Laboratori teatrali di Berlino, ベルリン劇場ワークショップ, 베를린 극장 워크샵, Berlīnes teātra darbnīcas, Berlyno teatro dirbtuvės, Берлински театарски работилници, Berlin Theatre Workshops, Warsztaty teatru berlińskiego, Oficinas de teatro de Berlim, Ateliere de teatru din Berlin, Bùthan-obrach theatar ann am Berlin, Берлинске позоришне радионице, Berlínske divadelné dielne, Berlinske gledališke delavnice, Talleres de teatro de Ber

Ensemble Building Course

This course helps create a welcoming, creative atmosphere for unfamiliar performers despite a shortage of limited rehearsal time.

More about the program>

physikalische Theaterworkshops in Berlin, workshopy fyzického divadla v Berlíně, физические театральные мастерские в Берлине, punëtori teatri fizik në Berlin, ورش عمل المسرح المادي في برلين, майстэрні фізічнага тэатра ў Берліне, физически театрални работилници в Берлин, 柏林剧院研讨会, Berlijnse theaterworkshops, Berlina Teatro-Laborejoj, Berliini teatri töötoad, Berliinin teatterin työpajat, Ateliers du théâtre de Berlin, Berliner Theaterwerkstätten, סדנאות תיאטרון ברלין, बर्लिन थिएटर वर्कशॉप, Berlini Színházi műhelyek, Námskeið í Berlínarleikhúsinu, Ceardlanna Amharclainne Beirlín, Laboratori teatrali di Berlino, ベルリン劇場ワークショップ, 베를린 극장 워크샵, Berlīnes teātra darbnīcas, Berlyno teatro dirbtuvės, Берлински театарски работилници, Berlin Theatre Workshops, Warsztaty teatru berlińskiego, Oficinas de teatro de Berlim, Ateliere de teatru din Berlin, Bùthan-obrach theatar ann am Berlin, Берлинске позоришне радионице, Berlínske divadelné dielne, Berlinske gledališke delavnice, Talleres de teatro de Ber

Choreography and Blocking in Performance

This course teaches directors and performers essential performance components, including choreography and blocking, for stronger artistic works.

More about the program>

Here's how we make

your goals come true:


Comprehensive Studying

Be prepared to master all aspects of theatre production within your chosen course.


Empowerment for Change

Join us in changing the theatre world.


Global Opportunities

Enter the international arena of acting, teaching, and directing. 


PhD support

Achieve academic success with the support of our courses, which will be able to provide you with specific practical skills for parallel or further study.


Multicultural groups

Learn in offline sessions in international, multicultural groups with artists from all over the world.


Artistic Fulfillment

 Let your talent shine and earn the applause of your peers.

Professionelle Online-Regiekurse kaufen, Anmeldung zu internationalen Regie-Trainingsprogrammen

Special Offer:

Act Fast!


Price for graduates
of 3-day course:

975 euros
(discount 975 euros!)


Regular price:

1950 euros

Offer expires on December 1, 2023.

And here's the
icing on the cake:



As a course graduate, you're welcome to join our 21st IUGTE Lab and Conference in Laubegg Castle, Austria, and it's free for you (Regular price - 450 euros)!


When? From July 13 to 22, 2024


More details: here




Join the course today! 🎭✨

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